Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Kalispell Week 4

Hello Everyone,

Sounds like the EV concert went well and everyone is excited for school to be out. You all definitely have some fun things coming up including once in a life time opportunities. That's really cool that they are doing two concerts and that BYUTV is recording it. That would be really cool if they put it on TV at some point. I'd definitely try to see if I could watch it. haha Also glad you were able to catch up with P and that's pretty cool that you ran into R's AP. Definitely is a small world.

This week was the best week number wise that we've had since I've been here. J is moving right along and when ever questions (which usually come over facebook) do come up they are pretty minor and she accepts our answers pretty quick. If she's all ready to go we'll finish teaching her this week, she'll be interviewed, and then we'll review up till the baptism. I hope everything keeps going good and she doesn't get nervous at the last minute. I don't think she will though. She came to church again and has been doing a lot of her own studies in the Book of Mormon and on I got some really good feedback from her this week pertaining to my blog. I asked her if she'd check it out and she said oh I already have. She said she's been reading it frequently and it really helps her understand things. So that was really cool to hear.

While talking about the blog I've had a lot of views this week mostly from just reposting the gospel of baseball which is cool because I really enjoyed writing that series. I'm also going to be teaming up with Elder Holbrook and we are going to do a guest post on each other's blogs. It should help to expose his crowd to my stuff and my crowd to his. Hopefully it gets more people reading what we are writing which is always cool but again was nice to hear from J that it really is helping investigators even if I don't know it. I'm hoping to start a preparation for the restoration series and am also going to be writing about an observation from this week.

That observation is that forecasts and predictions of man are never accurate like God's are. This week we were told all week long that it was going to rain all week never did! It was the warmest and sunniest week we've had all month. Then there is the prediction that the world was going to end on May 21st. Don't know if anyone else heard that but it was a big topic up here. And what do you know we're still alive. So that should be a fun post to write here soon. Today maybe but for sure tomorrow. We were walking quite a bit on Sat. and after the time the world was suppose to be over by these crazy people were running around this apartment complex screaming We're Saved! and having a party. Some people are pretty crazy but entertaining that's for sure.

We've got our bikes all ready to go but we've had so many set appointments we've needed the car which I'm definitely not complaining about. It's always nice to have set appointments but it's also nice to have bikes if we need them. The sisters also obtained some bikes from a sister in their ward. They are like old school pink and blue Lance Armstrong bikes. I keep calling them Sis. Lance and Sis. Armstrong. haha

If you are seeing some of my money disappear it's for a good cause. Let's just say my companion isn't the brightest or best with money. He's been riding on low money since almost week two of the transfer. He's surviving but he also forgets his wallet all of the time so I've had to bail him out a few times. He keeps telling me not to do it but what am I suppose to do let him starve? I just hope in someway it will be payed forward someday hopefully and he'll help someone else out when he does have money and a wallet.

Zone Conference is this Wed! I always love Zone Conference! I'm excited to see Elder Ika again too because he gets to go to the Zone Conferences because he's an online AP. Also excited to see Elder Catron.

Well I better get going. I love you all. I hope you have a great last week of school. Have fun in Utah. Talk to you later!

-Elder Davis

PS- I got the shoes and they are great!

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