Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Big News

Area: Townsend, Montana
Companion: Elder Lanham

Hey everyone! How's it going? I hope everyone had a good week. We sure did here in Townsend. To get the big news out first we committed L. to set a baptism date on Tuesday and she said Yes she would. She hesitated a little and told us that for sure she would be baptized by June because she doesn't think she is ready but after we talked a little and told her how much we think she is ready and after she asked and found we could be transferred by April 11 she said she would set a date of April 3. We were so excited. Her nervousness soon turned to pure excitement and joy. Her parents were so happy too. Her Dad yelled out Yes! ha ha it was awesome. April 3 is conference weekend but they thought the day before Easter would be a perfect day. So that Sat. is going to be one special day. First session of conference, L's baptism, conference, and then priesthood. Wow what a spiritual day that will be. We are really excited to finally get over the hump with one of our many investigators that are so close. We also know now we have to work extra hard to keep her with that date because Satan likes to play his tricks on people who are about to do something good in their life but I know L will make it. I can't believe we are going to be at the H's 3 times a week now. Monday, Tues, and Wed. nights. It really makes the week go by fast. Before I can even realize it we are already to Thursday. Time flies. I still can't believe it's March already. When is spring break? This next week? Or this week?

We had a really good week teaching wise. 20 lessons is what's expected, 30 was our goal, and we had 26. We ate at the M's last night. They made this really good lemon cake with really good frosting oh man was that good after a long day of fasting. We were able to show Sis. M a movie called Between Heaven and Earth. It's about temples and was perfect for them because she is going through the temple soon and he still has a lot of questions about it but after that movie I think a lot of them were answered. He told us about how he feels a different spirit at our church. He is so close but is still just stubborn about it all. He has changed from saying if I get baptized to when I get baptized though so that's good. It really is just a matter of time.

Some quick thoughts I wrote down throughout the week.
You drive around and see a lot of fields here with cows. Here in Montana its calving season so every field has newly born calves in it. They are so cute. All the other cows just sit and eat but the little calves are always running around having fun. It's pretty fun to watch. I'll have to get a picture of one so you can see.

Were you able to find my swim time yet? If you go to their website you should be able to click on a pull down bar and find the times from past years and our region.

This is for dad now. Everyone here seems to be a Seattle Seahawks fan so that's pretty cool to walk around and see people wearing Seahawks gear.

As far as the new email you can send it to the new one or the old one and it will still get to me.
Ok here's a really cool story I heard this week. This came from a high councilman in our stake. His son is in Chile and he said they got a letter from the Mission Pres. that said the Mission Pres's wife woke up a month ago and told her husband there was going to be an earth quake and they needed to prepare the missionaries. So they created an emergency plan for the mission and then the Pres. went to every apartment the elders lived in and blessed it. Well 2 days after they finished the last one the earth quake happened. And sure enough no missionaries or apartments were hurt or damaged. Pretty crazy stuff. That's called really being in tune with the spirit.

Mom, Sister P reminds me of you. She is always baking bread and having us deliver it to someone in the ward who is sick or who is having a birthday. I told her that you do that all of the time too and we had a good laugh because Bro. P always complains like we used to that you were giving the good food you made away.

I had a buffalo elk burger at this place in Townsend this week. It was pretty good.
My comp will have been in Townsend 6 months after this transfer. So it's likely he'll be leaving after this transfer and I'll be staying. He's been in Lewistown and Miles City so far on his mission. His year mark is this Thursday.

Well I better go. The Zone Leaders are in town and we are going to play basketball and then we are going to the H's to play ping pong like we did a month or so ago. It should be a lot of fun.
This email feels like it's been kind of all over the place so I hope everything makes sense. I hope everyone keeps doing good in school and tennis. Say Hi to Grandma and Grandpa D for me and tell them it's good to hear they finally agreed to fly. Also good to hear the concert went good. How many people were there? More than last time? Sis. P hasn't heard back from her daughter yet so we don't know if she went. Well I really have to go now. Love you all and hope to hear from you soon.
-Elder Mitch Davis
Mitch's companion, Elder Lanham
Mitch's new car: 2010 Chevy Malibu

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