Area: Townsend, Montana
Companion: Elder Lanham
Well I have so much to tell all of you that I don't know where to start or if I'm going to be able to get it in. First off yes I got my contacts. They arrived just fine and I currently have them in my eyes. I'll be sure to send my ballot in tomorrow and I did tell Sis. P about the concert but I'll remind her to tell her daughter. Transfers were this weekend. Only Elder Goff is leaving from our district. He is going to be with Elder Kuck in Lander, WY. Elder Kuck was a comp in the MTC if you remember. Monday was kind of a boring pday. We went to Helena but not a lot went on. Just kind of sat around with the other elders and went to Walmart. I tried to send you some pictures but I'm not sure if they worked. Maybe if I have time I'll try again.
Tuesday was a lot of fun. We had District Meeting in Helena and then went out to eat together because we didn't know who would be getting transferred out this weekend. We also stopped at the Montana State Capital and visited S H. She works there in the Legislation Dept. as someone who writes up the bills for the law makers and makes sure they sound good and all of the grammar is correct on them. It was a lot of fun to go to the capital building and see it up close a little bit. We had a really good talk with her. She thanked us for all of the work we have been doing to strengthen her family and she hopes that someday she can repay others with service like others in the ward have done for her. We taught L that night and she is such an amazing girl. Things just click with her and it's so easy to teach her. We had a member of the bishopric and his wife with us and they helped us big time. They are going to be her main adult fellowshipper in all of this. I'm really happy because for the first time on my mission I feel like I was guided by the spirit to tell Elder Lanham to call and ask them and it all worked out really good. We also taught their family on Wed. and for the first time ever their older daughter E who is 17 sat in. She normally just goes in her room when we come but this week she stayed around and then participated and asked questions. Towards the end we asked if she'd like to take the lessons. She said yes but said that her schedule is really busy and she doesn't know when she'd have time. So we tried to set it up for Sunday even though she said she might not have the time. Skipping ahead now on Saturday afternoon we get a call that she's too busy and can't meet with us. Then on Sunday afternoon we get a call that she decided to cancel all of her plans so she could meet with us that night. So after our Stake Priesthood Meeting in Helena we rushed over to their house and had an amazing lesson. She said when she's talked religion before with friends or gone to other churches it all felt fake but that on Wed. she felt something different and she said it all felt legit. Then she asked some questions that totally led into a perfect first lesson. It was amazing to see it all flow like that and Elder Lanham and I taught our best lesson together that we have ever taught. She got very emotional towards the end and she wants to keep learning more. If nothing else happens here the H's are what makes Townsend awesome. Just the fact that the parents were never active until 2 months ago and that now they have one daughter so close to baptism and the other hopefully on her way is amazing. It's so good to see all of this happening during the time of their life when they need it the most. Another cool thing was that on Sat. L., S., and A. all came to a member baptism. So did W M.
Another cool thing was Saturday. The Gospel Sing which is once a month was at our church this month. We had all 8 Elders in our district come to Townsend and sing Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy. It was really good and you could tell the people from other churches could feel of our spirit. After the Gospel Sing all 8 of us went to the P's and spent the night. It was so much fun. The P's are amazing for letting us do that. Not only that but Bro. O was taking them all back to Helena Sun. morning at 7 and Sis. P got up and made us all breakfast. She is so nice. I know she'll be greatly blessed for her service to the elders.
Back to Stake Priesthood. So Bro. O. who is an awesome member in our ward when it comes to missionary work got W M to come with him to priesthood. Pres. A the Stake Pres came up to W after and said he had a talk prepared but that when he saw W there he changed it all for him and talked about personal revelation and getting answers in our lives. This made W feel overwhelmed but really happy that he would do that. Let's hope that with that and now his church starting to use prayer beads which he hates that he is getting closer and closer to baptism each week.
A few random things( I feel like these are always so sporadic because your kind of under the gun with time)
We are judging cars at the cub scout pine wood derby this week. I'm so excited!
Our car hit 59,000 miles this week and normally they sell them off at 50,000. Well Friday we got the call that we were getting a brand new car! So yesterday Elder West, who used to be our Zone Leader and Elder Lanham's trainer and is now an Assistant, dropped it off. It is such a nice car. 2010 Chevy Malibu. I was wondering if you could look it up and tell me how much it sells for. It only has 250 miles on it and it smells so good!
Question: What mission is John Reed in? Mexico City what?
Didn't get dads email so maybe you could just send it again. That worked good last week. Other then all this things are going good. The weather is warming up for now and it's beautiful! It can be a little cold in the morning still but usually 40-50s. We'll see how long that lasts before we get a spring snow storm. ha ha. Well I better go. Nice to hear from those I heard from. Hope everyone has a good week. keep up the good work in school, work, running and tennis. I love you all. Talk to you next week.
-Elder Mitch Davis
PS How many more bball games does BYU have and when does the MWC tourney start?
State capital in Helena
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